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Welcome to the Lorehall

Here, you'll find a selection of lorebooks dedicated to Grimstead, Inglenook, and the Other Realms in general. Together, they comprise the majority of the worlds I've created and materials I've ascribed to them, as well as most of the characters who have spawned from my head over time. Hope you get some enjoyment out of all this craziness.

In another time and another place...

Grimorium: A Town Charter

DescriptionCovers the town of Grimstead and most of the swampy land surrounding it, where much of the series Solemn Graces is set, as well as Eighth Wonders and others.

SynopsisA guidebook describing the town of Grimstead, nestled away in the depths of Blackwood Forest, ostensibly created by Grace Morgan as a collection of facts about notable locations and buildings to visit, people to see, and aspects of the town's history.


NotesFor further information on the Grim Grove, please see the relevant sections of The Adventurer's Guide To Inglenook.

The Adventurer's Guide To Inglenook

In another time and another place, there was a world...


Codex Duello: The Book of Heroes

Other Documents

And then, buttons! (Smaller has four per row.)

The next kind only has three per row, because the buttons are bigger.

Fun, huh?

And that's not all.

This box has no top. It's meant to go below button segments, but not above.
This box has no bottom. It goes before button segments, but not below.
This box has no top or bottom! It's meant to go in between button segments.
(Here's a no-top box for full demonstration of that little feature.)
There's also narrow boxes! Haven't done much with these yet. Meh. Maybe they'll see use someday. Either way, they're fun.

To learn more HTML/CSS, check out these tutorials!

Also here have some links.

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